What are we offering ?The best solutions for our customers. Optimal products for their growth.
Why us ?The main competitive advantage - speed of action considering market dynamics.
Who are we?Electric power supplier on the competitive market in Romania since 2003.
AFI ENERGY has been acting as a supplier of electric power on the Romanian competitive market since 2003 and, since 2007, as a supplier of natural gas.
The company is entirely privately owned. The management team has more than five years’ experience in their current positions and has proven capable of adapting to the significant changes that have taken place on the two markets we operate. The evolution of the turnover, especially in the supply of natural gas, is based on taking the opportunity created by the interconnection of natural gas delivery networks and on the deliveries on the western border of Romania.
According to data provided by the ANRE, we have a 1% market share in the supply of electric power. Our company has not had on-going bilateral purchase contracts with electric power producers with state majority capital and has continued to diversify its sources of supply. Strengthening the financial data allows us to successfully participate in tenders organized by economic operators/consumers for the supply of electric power and natural gas. In the interest of our clients, we have established nationwide collaborations, and we are currently working with all of the 8 distribution operators that act regionally and we have not recorded any payment incident, nor have we exceeded the payment due dates towards them or the operator of the transport system.
Electric power delivery
At present, AFI ENERGY supplies electric power under the authority of License No. 1014/06.2011 granted by the ANRE (National Energy Regulatory Authority) for a period of 10 years, by Decision No. 1277/01.06.2010.
Our company is registered and is actively participating in the Romanian electric power centralized markets: CMCB, CMCB–CN, CMCP, CGCM and the Day-Ahead Market (DAM).
If in the first years our activity was mainly focused on trading, starting from the second semester of 2007, we began to focus more on electric power supply service to end consumers, offering competitive prices and contractual conditions, as well as quality services.
We grew steadily and constantly over the course of 5 years, currently selling to our customers a total volume of approx. 870.000 MWh.